Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Global Warming

John Tierney over at the New York Times has a great article on Global Warming - summing up my beliefs in a nutshell. Read it here.

A notable excerpt:
Slow warming doesn’t make for memorable images on television or in people’s minds, so activists, journalists and scientists have looked to hurricanes, wild fires and starving polar bears instead. They have used these images to start an “availability cascade,” a term coined by Timur Kuran, a professor of economics and law at the University of Southern California, and Cass R. Sunstein, a law professor at the University of Chicago.

The availability cascade is a self-perpetuating process: the more attention a danger gets, the more worried people become, leading to more news coverage and more fear. Once the images of Sept. 11 made terrorism seem a major threat, the press and the police lavished attention on potential new attacks and supposed plots. After Three Mile Island and “The China Syndrome,” minor malfunctions at nuclear power plants suddenly became newsworthy.

The only people who really don't believe in Global Warming are those who have no scientific reasoning skills. The problem, rather, is with the fear-mongering Al Gore technique. Many politicians, as a result, will use the Global Warming scare to gain more power and regulate more aspects of our life.

What's really unfortunate through this whole deal is how much good hasn't been done because of Government intervention. Look at ethanol. It's expensive, it's not profitable, and it's making food prices rise. Want to see a real reversal of a climate degradation? Let the market decide.



Adam Hodges said...

I guess I consider myself a global warming skeptic since most of the data used in arguments comes from the IPCC which is sponsored by the UN and their mission statement on their website specifically says their goal is to PROVE that anthropogenic global warming exists, so obviously the results are going to be tainted in their favor. Otherwise, they would lose funding. I agree that the earth is warming, I think that is pretty indisputable, but I also think this whole thing is blown out of proportion.
Do you know of any independent studies on the topic? I can't seem to find any legitimate ones supporting the theory of anthropogenic global warming.
I don't know how legitimate these videos are, but it's definitely interesting hearing the other side of the story.

jm said...

In response to Adam;

Yes, almost every single study done on global warming (NASA, CIA, UN, etc etc etc etttccccc) is independent. Only recently (last twenty years) has it become politicized and even became an issue whether studies were indepentent or not. You see, most people have progressed way past the "is it real" stage and are already in the "how do we fix" stage.

But as I said, suddenly people are politicizing it, and are putting together flimsy reasons as to why it doesn't exist (like Glen Beck's ridiculed "it's snowing more which means global warming is fake)

jm said...

continuing....adam, here is an independent global warming study. Science magazine is a peer reviewed magazine that publishes papers heavily scrutinized by the best and brightest scientists in the field. Here's one of there articles on the global warming existing: