Thursday, January 10, 2008

South Carolina Still Thinks Personal Liberty is a Pretty Darn Good Thing

A Greenville law has come before the South Carolina Supreme Court that, if overturned, will give private property owners in South Carolina at least some of their rights back. High Court to Hear Smoking Ban Case

Most of the debate surrounding smoking bans in bars and restaraunts center around people who are smokers and people who are not smokers, and which rights should be allotted to which of those two groups. Often, the private business owners are left out! What rights do they have concerning which types of people they do business with?

To more socialistic states like Florida or New York, the answer is that private businesses only have the rights that the state government lets them have. This flies in the face of the ideals that this country was founded upon. Governments are instituted to protect liberty, not to protect health.

We can only hope that the South Carolina Supreme Court judge upholds personal liberty with regard for private business owners and that all smoking ban advocates move to a nanny state like New York that doesn't care as much for property rights.


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